Genuine Christians cannot be racist.
However from experience at the hands of a corrupt media organisation, we know words such as this scripture below can be spun so that through an almost subliminal semantic shift the term 'Christ' gets replaced by GB.
Once the authority of Jesus Christ has been hijacked by the media org/false religion, all the words in scripture can be overridden by other books, magazines, videos, articles and new light.
(Colossians 3:9-11) . . .Strip off the old personality with its practices, 10 and clothe yourselves with the new [personality], which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it, 11 where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, foreigner, Scyth′i‧an, slave, freeman, but Christ is all things and in all.
The editors/GB will claim they are spirit directed. Therefore to submit to the media organisation is to submit to god. But not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Father of Jesus Christ.
That media organisation (it owns the platform) can by stealth (ie without upsetting the status quo too much), gradually change the scriptural values expressed by the First Born Only Begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ, into a set of procedures, which on the surface appear virtuous. But these procedures support a form of bullying which allows things like paedophilia (that is child sexual abuse), wife beating, adultery and other acts of cruelty and unfairness (inc racism) to go on.
The police have been very helpful at supporting some sets of Christian values. Watchtower publishers who have witnessed/experienced child sexual abuse have been able to turn to the police and get support.
With calls for police who support this and some other Christian values (such as don't steal) to be done away with, this support could be taken away and spun as a form of fighting racism.